Bernd 12/20/2021 (Mon) 12:28:13 No.45894 del
>should've improved the wargame, not removed
I don't think it could work out in that system and map level.
Two games that are kinda similar, the Total War, and Knights of Honor - and now I'm talking only about the strategic level.
TW is turn based, and works well. KoH however is similarly real time, but one can zoom in, the actual position of a unit is its actual position and two armies can only engage in battle if they really met. Same in TW.
But Tardadox implemented a Risk type of map in real time environment, where the actual position of a unit only matters if it's on a separate tile/province, and units don't really move inside a province like in TW or KoH. This is a very inconvenient choice. How could this be improved?