Bernd 02/05/2022 (Sat) 23:21:18 No.46346 del
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I just checked the steam page on Ground Zero, the price is unreasonably high. I bought it when it was on sale, it was dirty cheap together with the main game.

I've been also playing Endless Space 2 a lot recently. I think its the best space 4x game hands down. Stellaris can't hold a candle to this game. I played ES1 as well as Endless Legend by the same studio and it seems they are constantly learning their lessons with every released game and perfecting their creation. There's only couple of playable factions, but every time I pick a new one it's almost like I'm playing a new game since there's something unique to their gameplay. If Bernd wanted to play a cool turn based strategy I hearthily recommend this one.