Bernd 04/01/2022 (Fri) 11:52:17 No.47131 del
>there is costly as it is right near the capital of Ukrainian, it's not strictly necessary for taking Donbas either.
They are tying down great amount of forces.

Perhaps. I'm really curious about phase 2. Right now in the north it's all withdrawing or regrouping (depending who says it).

That doesn't look good for Russia, getting struck at home.
If Ukrainians managed then:
- this makes Russia look weak;
- the demilitarization doesn't go well.
If Russians did this to blame Ukrainians:
- can be used as an excuse to continue the war;
- I don't think they really need any excuse to continue at this point;
- an Ukrainian strike makes them looks weak;
- it creates the appearance that the demilitarization effort doesn't go well.