Bernd 11/23/2022 (Wed) 06:49 No.49270 del
>As I said, this is anecdotal
Aren't all stories or conversations anecdotal? At what point does it become fact or general consensus? If anything, a woman would be more obligated to answer "no" to the question, because porn consumption is seem as dirty or pathetic. It seems fairly normal to consume it now, seeing as the internet is all something most people have very easy access to these days, such as cell phones.

>Again, you are an imageboarder so likely to come across weird women and what you say is anecdotal
I haven't conversed with women about theses matters over imageboards, it's been real life conversations. I have a hard time believing that every single woman I talked to was lying, or I somehow came across only oddballs, but there really is no benefit to them lying. Porn consumption is viewed as taboo, and if anything a woman in inclined to deny watching it to appease a man.

>Only one of the men in those images has long hair... Though sure some women may like it.
Romantic book covers of the 80-'s-90's featured many men with a large build and long hair, likely because men having longer hair was popular in the 70's-90's. Now the image has changed to a swarthy man, perhaps business man type image. They seem to follow current trends.

>The wiki article disagrees and so does the synopsis of the plot.
Even though the book ends with the female breaking off the relationship, that doesn't override that the majority of the book focuses on a sexually erotic story of a man raping and dominating a woman the entire story. You can read passages online on how these scenes are described, pretty graphic stuff with an "erotic" err brought in by the female, lusting for the man who is sexually abusive to her; it isn't written as an empowering female who breaks free from her captor, it's an erotic story.

The sales of this book were one of the best in recent times, sales don't lie. The series sold 100+ million copies worldwide, topping up there with best-seller works like Twilight and Harry Potter, and even had a movie made after the series. Take a look at the weird "bully romance" books these chicks like. The same themes of being dominated or humiliated by a male, yet finding it sexually appealing. Sort of ties back to the whole "bad boy" trope we see in the media.

Browse the romantic genre at any book store and you won't have to search far to find many stories of a male greatly dominating a woman, her getting treated poorly, but she justifies it and enjoys it. I'm not saying every woman enjoys such a story, but these types of stories (this one seems more graphic comparatively), are essentially what make up a big portion of the romantic section for the female audience.