Bernd 12/28/2022 (Wed) 09:00 No.49547 del
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I want to write about this. Our Xmas Special features it, and it's a curious one.
While watching one might get the wrong impression what the movie is about very easily, and think the movie will be about what he just watched and leave before finishing the thing.
This is how the watching experience goes through the movie:
- oh this movie is about theme A
- hmm, maybe not theme A but B
- heh, it's actually theme C
- not at all it turned into theme D
- it's none of the above it was theme E
Then in the end one realizes that the movie from the very beginning was theme F. Which is quite cool.
Everyone leaving before the last realization will got the wrong impression, and gonna have a wrong opinion about it.
Now people can have differing opinion of theme F. Is it good or not. But it's sure that the movie is not about A-E.