Bernd 08/12/2023 (Sat) 17:37 No.50845 del
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Beat the campaign of Pyrrhus, consisting 6 battles. Learnt a lot, still feel novice, lots of details to keep in mind.
Essentially the rough template of tactics looks like this: hope to break the enemy it one place and hope enough of your troops will hold until you clear the battlefield from the breaking point. Lotsa hoping there, but that's that.
Can fuck up if you start maneuver, the AI is smart and it's easy to expose the flank and rear. A good strong winning unit can be crushed if moves into the depth of the enemy.
A Cannae style envelopment sounds cool but in these 6 battles, it was impossible.
Funny phenomenon when two units from the two opposing forces stands and stare at each other for I did not want to attack, not liking the odds, and the computer either. Or because attacking would expose that aforementioned flank. This is a type of engagement to be honest.
The victory message is a bit anti-climactic at the end of the campaign, but the game is solid.