Bernd 09/10/2023 (Sun) 07:11 No.51009 del
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I did not advance at all in BG in the past few weeks, but played three more small scale (liek a dozen units on each side) "quick" battles in Field of Glory 2.
Really have to know the strength and weaknesses of each unit type to use them effectively. For example I failed to use my elephant in any meaningful degree and did jack all in one of the battles.
A Macedonian phalanx can be very strong in the melee, but a charge of an "impact foot" (think of legionaries, or Germanic barbarian foot) can break there morale. And if the particular phalanx are targeted by two or three charges of three impact foot (from the front, diagonal right, and diagonal left), they can be crushed easily.
But then - one would think - instead of waiting to get charged, how about charging first? Charging with phalanx, against impact foot doesn't work out that well, and chances are will suffer heavily and the morale also will falter - like if my unit was charged. And there is no way of approaching slow and ease into the melee. And if having the higher ground on top of the hill or hillside giving it up to charge first is unwise in this situation.
And in general charging with other type of units against impact foot sucks balls. So to preventing the three-to-one charge against my phalanx by engaging the two neighbouring opponents has it's own drawbacks, it means now that three of my units could suffer such a negative morale change that could break them right at the start.
Weird because when I use impact foot they seem to suck ass. Have to figure this one out, but with the rate of me playing probably will do this never.