Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 15:53 No.3586 del
Ron Watkins[CodeMonkeyZ]
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Gail Golec Official Channel
(Gail Golec)
đź“°BREAKING: Maricopa County Republican Committee Executive Board (MCRC) UNANIMOUSLY passes resolution to reject 2020 Presidential Election.

Maricopa County Republican Committee Executive Board To Reject 2020 Presidential Election After Election Audit and “2000 Mules” Documentary Prove Irrefutable Evidence of Fraud

The Maricopa County Republican Committee has introduced a resolution to formally reject the certification of the 2020 Presidential Election.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that the same was done in Texas, where the Texas GOP declared the Joe Biden Regime illegitimate.

“The 2000 Mules Documentary irrefutably proves election fraud occurred in Maricopa County during the 2020 Election in the form of ballot trafficking through drop boxes,” states the resolution in Maricopa County.

“2000 Mules” was the latest blow to the stolen 2020 Presidential Election. Massive evidence of illegal ballot trafficking and a coordinated nationwide election fraud ring was presented by True the Vote and Dinesh D’Souza. The film revealed that over 200,000 illegal ballots were trafficked in Arizona.

The Gateway Pundit continues to release more and more footage of ballot traffickers dumping handfuls of ballots illegally in ballot drop boxes in Michigan.

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