Anonymous 01/10/2024 (Wed) 13:22 No.1024 del
(135.79 KB 1256x855 M213.png)
> давай, расскажи мне, в каких местах "пропаганда ЛГБТ" (явление которого не существует) зашла слишком далеко.

ОП в треде.

> Just three quarters (76%) of Gen Z identify as heterosexual, and only about half of (54%) say they are exclusively attracted to the opposite sex. One in ten (11%) say they are only or mostly attracted to the same sex and 15% are equally attracted to both sexes. However, this diversity decreases significantly by age: two thirds (66%) of Millennials, three-quarters (76%) of Gen X and eight in ten (81%) of Baby Boomers say they are solely attracted to the opposite sex.

Читай: лишь 54% малолетних долбоёбов считают себя гетеросексуалами, остальные как минимум бишечки. Все от природы, а не под влиянием пропаганды, да-да.

По пиндосии тоже держи картин очек.