Magus 01/22/2016 (Fri) 01:35:43 Id: 627753 No. 26 del
There are themes and oddities that i run into again and again until they fit into a part of the meme ethos that was barren or connects memes to make a meme mesh-thoughtform composed largely of past atavisms that occurred sometime in my memeing beforehand. Unless you have a narrative you allow the narrative to write itself out of the moment.

This is not a magickal society kinetic or not. Most people have a hurdle they must surpass before they can use there creative talents they have not mastered. This is why ultimately a doom and gloom plume of smoke as humanities only sense of future will diminish their overall expectations in life. in this phase they are highly suggestible. Your intent must be a healthy artistic reality that you create around yourself to give your meme a contextual stance