Anonymous 09/25/2019 (Wed) 13:40:28 No.118 del

if you think the nowadays portrayal of hitler, he's just a bumbling painter, war vet, that just wanted to help his country out.

so say he was an avg/to well read dope, even as that he saw the simplicity of martin luther, and recognized it in his society.
then what if we say hitler was some sort of genius dictator hell bent on genociding all non germans..
well he helped move jews to palistine, thus helping to form israel..
then you see the camps weren't that bad..compared to after ww2 russian/english camps.

it just makes you wonder, hitler being a normal guy makes more sense. not too smart, but a big heart and likable.

i can also see him as desiring to help out the jews, rather than exterminate them, because if he wanted to exterminate them, why'd he help them..

idk, i guess i'll keep reading, but it seems that if hitler let the jews run his central bank none of this wouldve happened.