Violated Hero 04/04/2017 (Tue) 13:26:45 Id: 4f0b24 No. 1128 del
(365.24 KB 739x804 fishwaifu.png)
I've been hopping across different chans trying to get a handle on things. The moment I realized something had gone terribly wrong was when I noticed /bane/ was down, of all things. Everyone agrees it was a hacker who wanted to blow vulnerabilities wide open. Less certain is why the recovery has been such a clusterfuck. There's a lot of noise about how 8chan operates and how Jim, Codemonkey et. al run the site and treat their userbase. A lot of it can be legitimate, a lot of it can be D&C. It's hard to figure out what to believe and who to trust. Funny as hell, /monster/ has turned out to be the community I trust the most, so I guess I'm waiting for things to get fully running again on 8chan so we can have a meta debrief and evaluate the state of the website. Staying comfy with my waifu.