Anonymous 01/20/2016 (Wed) 10:48:50 No. 76 del
(610.86 KB 1500x1500 cat-window.jpg)
>Just a machine translation of the second song in OP

Man and cat crying at the window
Gray rain dripping directly onto the glass.
To a man with a cat ambulance rides,
Poor man, a sick brain cramped.
Dr. rides, rides through the snowy plain.
Powder healing people it carries.
Man and cat powder that will,
And sorrow depart, and longing to be held.
Man and cat days hardly believe
Instead sky blue gray ceiling.
Man and cat fly at night,
Just a dream neveschy wing does not.
Where are you, where are you, where are you, a white coach?
Within the walls of the toilet man yelling.

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