Good! WHO Backs Off On Global Pandemic Treaty, Addresses Tyranny Concerns Reader 04/24/2024 (Wed) 01:15 Id: 687327 No.22498 del
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Good! WHO Backs Off On Global Pandemic Treaty, Addresses Tyranny Concerns

Some good things happened this past week concerning the World Health Organization's (WHO) Pandemic Treaty.

In response to widespread public outcry, the WHO substantially revised its proposed International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments, dialing the tyranny back a notch.

Almost all of the substantive concerns presented to the WHO Working Group for the IHR amendments have been trimmed back, one of the biggest changes being that the WHO's recommendations will be non-binding.

Article 13A.1 which would have required Member States to follow directives of the WHO as the guiding and coordinating authority for international public health has been dropped entirely.

Another change is the erasure of a proposal that would have struck from the amendments wording that recognizes the "dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms" of human beings.

As for the controlled flow of information by the government, a process more commonly known as censorship, the WHO will have no jurisdiction over this, either.

What happened during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" in terms of how the WHO applies its IHRs will also remain the same rather than be expanded to also include "all risks with a potential to impact public health."

Of great remaining concern, however, is the explicit recognition in the revised IHR amendments that Member States – in our case, the United States – will be the ones responsible for implementing whatever WHO recommends, as they so choose.

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