Anonymous 12/02/2019 (Mon) 21:30:57 No.10798 del
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>I made sure Odili is aware of the request
why is he silent? He did not answer to me anywhere. Not here. Not by e-mail. Board status = still claimable.
>It isn't forgotten.
So what? It is abandoned and claimable. It have 0.1 anon activity.
>How many is the "we"?
A few at now.
>You guys can go ahead and post on the board freely, only the management stuff is late.
Oh yes! We already tryed! In past we sitting there without any moderator. Board always was free. Some anons requested admin in answer inside thread, to dont give our board to any person. Then later somebody unknown successfully claim our board, and he take a shit on it. At the main page! You stlll can see it at his pinned thread with advertising >>>rus/5507
After that many people leaved this board, and it has become abandoned like now. Later it become claimable again. And now i woud like to revive it.
But now i don't want to do this without board owner rights. I don't want to repeat past mistake.

Sadly that the Endchan administration can not, or does not want to resolve this small question. It's very important for us.
I still waiting for 2-3 days. I hope to see normal administration answer about /rus/ board. By e-mail, or here, or just account page board status. Positive or negative, but some.