Endwall 04/07/2018 (Sat) 03:52:37 No.1195 del
> The enumerations presented were examples and are not meant to be exhaustive, however they were meant to be funny.
> For your own sake, and the public's, don't quit your day job to pursue a career in comedy writing.

The part I get a chuckle out of every time I read it is the solar system and space transport vehicles part, I picture Elon Musk reading the license and saying "This is a great license for our project", and then I get a mental image of astronauts on the International Space Station flipping channels on endstream and endtv to pass the time. The rest was meant to be serious.

> What constitutes a "neighbor"? That's not a term with a defined legal meaning, and to the extent that it has one, it's not what you seem to think it means. I can't share the code with someone in another country? They're not my neighbor. Or do you mean it in a metaphorical sense? Legal documents are probably a bad place for metaphors.

This is a valid complaint. I'll change the word neighbor to recipient .

> You say modify AND improve, not modify OR improve. I can only modify it if I improve it? What if you think my changes make it worse? Who decides? You? I guess I'm in violation of the license, then.

This is a valid complaint. I'll remove the word improve. You can freely modify the code and run and distribute the modified code. Improvements are not required, and I won't be the judge. I'll only be the judge of what is released by Endware.


I'm going to make 2 licenses, the first will attempt to rectify some of the complaints by adding and deleting words, and the second will be a simplified license where I delete everything that is redundant and attempt complete generality on the first line of every category.

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