Endwall 12/17/2020 (Thu) 01:10:09 No.1589 del
I'm still around. Endchan has been inaccessible by the onions (v2 and v3) for me for the last week or so. I just decided to try the .net version just now. I'm around, but I mostly lurk on nano and lain and some other places. I find that the quality of discussion is higher on nano in general. I check back here >>>/os/ and in >>>/h4x0r/ and >>>/tech/ every week to see what's new.

I haven't really been active in development or in security discussions for the last 3 months due to school. I just finished my final exams for the semester today. I was also in 3 group projects where my group members literally did nothing all semester. I had to do all the work and carry 3 people up a mountain on my back in three different group projects. These fuckers forced me to use Facebook messenger (caprine) and discord to communicate with them for the group projects and then proceeded to literally contribute nothing to the assignments and projects, which we "collaboratively" worked on in MS Office 365 and One Drive, in Word and Excel documents. They promptly shared my solutions for the assignments with their classmates in other groups. I tried to plead with these assholes to join me on Element/Matrix (forget XMPP or IRC not happening with these retards), no go. Then we had to do a group presentation by Zoom. I left my camera off, but they got my voice. This is like a turbo nightmare.

Feel free to add any security related info the threads. It's been like a one man operation around here for the last year or so. I'll make some more posts later.