Anonymous 10/16/2019 (Wed) 10:32:45 Id: 895acb No.76022 del
This kind of thing is always useful, that was actually what I was thinking of originally but couldn't recall the name of. Instructions on how to make Kefir would be most welcome if you have the time!

>As many have complained and I'm willing to admit, this board has minimal traffic. The shills must be outed even when numbers dwindle. There's no way around that, otherwise the board falls to degeneracy.
Minimal traffic is something I think the few 8ch refugees after it's last fall who had a clue is something that is welcomed. A lack of the adulation of CIA assets and plans is a welcome thing for most I think. I have not been spreading the concepts discussed much as honestly at this juncture I cannot think of many places beyond maybe Neinchan (or rather fedpostchan) and maybe 4ch but I fear if I went there it would be deluged in a series of negro penis images. I had considered seeding it among some of the alt right groups but there's so many sub groups I don't know where to begin.

>The frog in the pot analogy. Gradually increase the heat, and the frog cooks alive. When heat increases instantly, it jumps out. The same will happen towards those whom instantly lose their luxuries and can't afford to survive. They'll be pissed.
Exactly right, it is this very aspect that gives us a chance. Convenience has made them weak, look at the boomers with their infantile attitudes, they embody just what a pampered soul becomes. Lazy, self indulgent and shiftless. We must re-purpose the anger our people feel into a fuel, an energy that propels them towards greater heights and greater goals, it is the only way we can survive what is coming.

>Nobility has it's place, but the meaning must not be misunderstood. One who is noble cannot hold onto their kingdom and people by letting foreign invasions tread on their lands.
Quite true, people too often conflate the noble with "being kind and fair" but it goes far beyond that. It means when in times of crisis being unflinching in your resolve to achieve something, keeping faith and Will even when all around you is chaos. A noble ruler may need be unjust at times, even callous, but as long as it is in pursuit of the greater goal the action is no less noble, mayhaps it is even more so for he is more likely to understand that he himself may have to become a monster for a period and shoulders that responsibility without fear regardless. He accepts these burdens without complaint and does what needs to be done. Upon the other side of the coin, as you rightly mentioned, the "lone wolf" types who often believe their cause just which in a fashion can be perceived by some as that but they never have the wisdom or foresight to see the outcome of their actions as you rightly point out. Their concept of nobility is a warped one, one lacking the true gravitas of the idea, it is entirely based upon the now, never the tomorrow. There is no greater plan than "shoot now", the bloodshed and horror caused only serving to tighten the parasites grip upon our throats. They react to the pain in an animalistic fashion, uncaring of the results from trying to alleviate it in the worst possible way. Yes there may come a time of blood, the parasite is ensuring it will be so, but needless murder for the sake of unfocused rage will only hurt those they claim to fight for. Wounded men that could of had a higher purpose, that *sought* a higher purpose, only to be consumed in their own pain and hatred. It is a sad sight.