Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 02:09:20 Id: 8a6b43 No.76629 del
If you read the document, they mention "antifa" (anti-authoritarian groups) as well, albeit not nearly as much as the right wing groups. I took a quick look, it was clearly written by someone who had a task to present his department as useful, and thus justify his own job and salary. Of course he is going to list every single attack and blow it out of proportion, and of course he is going to call all non-kosher ideas "conspiracy theories". Would you seriously expect a government bureaucrat to name the Jew in an official document?

I find it ironic how that department was created after 9/11 (with plenty of evidence who was truly behind it) and how it was "fighting" ISIS (a good portion of this document is devoted to that) which was a creation of the same culprits. Not to mention foreign threats such as those pesky "Russians" (Read: Mossad), steam-blowing operations like "anti-authoritarian groups" and who was shilling for "right wing violence" the most and provided the "logistical support" to mass shooters in order to shut down free speech websites! Could they possibly be responsible for all of that? It seems ridiculous, unbelievable, outrageous. Just as you have the "big lie" that the other anon mentioned, you also have the "big conspiracy" . People easily believe that their wife, colleagues, etc. are conspiring against them, but they cannot imagine a conspiracy so old, so criminal and so sophisticated to be big enough to elude them, even as a possibility. Game theory tells us otherwise. Kikes love their "big numbers", do they?

Anything short of most expressly denying any such allegations as "conspiracy theories" would cause earthquakes. Because if you leave it open as a possibility, you will have to investigate it (and have some explaining to do to your superiors, who are either Jewish, have Jewish wives and children, or are Freemasons and similar kosher certified goyim). If you investigate it, you will find the evidence (or patterns/connections). If you are intellectually (and morally) honest, you will either turn into another Gestapo (and actually go against the real terrorists like Hitler did) or close the offices and cease all operations. So let's say that you are an average Joe working there, would you rather keep ignoring it, lie to yourself how there is nothing wrong with the world (except whatever is the current boogieman that you are "fighting" of course), keep your salary and titles, live in your nice neighborhood and wait your pension, or, face the reality and risk everything, even your life, fighting against very difficult odds? I think we all know an answer to that.

But the odds don't have to be difficult. If every (white, or a rare decent non-white) person in such position would simultaneously fight, it would destroy the Jewish power structure over night. That's why an awakening is needed. What's the point of being able to provide for your family if they (their descendants) will all be turned into brown slaves in a couple of generations? I think the smarter of white glowniggers have already begun to realize that they will be discarded as soon as the next stage of the Talmudic plan comes into effect and when they are no longer useful as the gatekeepers. This is not only a matter of ideals or higher goals, but the most mundane of interests that the masses are most susceptible to. Yes, many of them have completely lost their minds due to various forms of chemical and psychological warfare, but many can be brought to their senses.