Anonymous 11/08/2019 (Fri) 18:24:05 Id: 8c3244 No.76661 del

Clock Town's western entrance has a Venus/Lucifer mollusc shell on top of the gate. The two rocky outcrops at the shoreline mirror those mentioned in Homer's cave of the nymphs.

Ocarina of Time's castle walls were straight segments, with bastions jetting out. They are realistic, and defensible. Clock Twon is completely blind. It would be awful to defend.It's completely symbolic. The clock tower is phallus/point in a circle symbolism. The moon is the feminine Isis aspect crushing the phallus. Many people say the two towers coming down symbolized the destruction of masculine and feminine dualities. The erection of the one world trade tower symbolizes the unity of dualities. A wave of tranny propaganda came after 911.

>“When on the East the sheer bright star arose

>that tells of coming Dawn, the ship made landfall (mollusc shell on western gate = Venus/Lucifer)

and came up islandward in the dim of night.

Phorkys, the old sea baron, has a cove

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