Anonymous 11/11/2019 (Mon) 13:48:42 Id: f4e9a6 No.76791 del
Paradoxically, chastity devices can make you even more horny, since the surface of your penis has contact with the material all the time, which can be sexually stimulating, even if you can't get an erection due to the size restriction.

It can get uncomfortable if you are wearing it for more than a few hours at a time, it can even be very painful since it severely limits the range of motion of your privates, especially if you are doing something active which involves a lot of movement. If you move during sleep, you can wake up with a lot of pain if you end up in a slightly wrong position. Erections will pull your balls out of place and can hurt very badly.

Last, but not least, prolonged wear can shrink the size of your member and even make getting future erections more difficult.

Peeing standing with a cage is not difficult, aim is fine too as long as you don't get horny. The problem is that it tricks your bladder and pee-stopping sensors, so it's harder than usual to not spill the last few drops off piss.

I tried it a few times but always ended up taking it off after half a day with the urge to fap.