sage sage 11/12/2019 (Tue) 05:27:39 Id: 565e69 No.76822 del
>And it clearly failed.
You're a real piece of work you know that? What part of no choice in the matter after the Korean war do you not understand. >>76391
Did you even read the responses people gave you?

>I am willing to take your claim under consideration

Same reason why trumpie is being parroted in every media outlet as a big bad and scary monster man. He's controlled opposition and the convenient boggeyman of our time. Get that through your head THERE ARE NO GOOD GUYS LEFT. EVERYBODY IS FUCKING COMPROMISED. WE ARE NOT GOING TO SUPPORT A LITERAL COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP BECAUSE OF SOME RETARDED NEWS HEADERS.

Read this >>76419 and go shill for that porker fatass somewhere else