Anonymous 11/22/2019 (Fri) 21:27:04 Id: 8c3244 No.77192 del [Embed]
The very first video game, Space War, was entirely funded by the military. All video games stem from a military project.

Beginning in 1960 and ending in the 1990s, “the armed forces took the lead in financing, sponsoring, and inventing the specific technology used in video games.” Spacewar!, the title historians consider the first video game, was developed by graduate students at MIT who were funded by the Pentagon. As Mead tells us, the 1962 side project was made on a Programmed Data Processor-1, an early microcomputer. The PDP-1’s manufacturer didn’t have a faux space-battle program in mind—one in which “two players used switches and knobs to maneuver spaceships through the gravity field of a star while firing missiles at each other”—when the hardware was designed, surely. But SpaceWar! gave birth to the navigational controls and monitor-as-sight set-up that would influence all subsequent games.

Being consumed by the mouth was a phrase used in the old Osiris rituals. It meant symbolized going into the underworld, and being re-born.


The ceremony involved a symbolic animation of a statue or mummy by magically opening its mouth so that it could breathe and speak.

The ancient Egyptians believed that in order for a person's soul to survive in the afterlife it would need to have food and water. The opening of the mouth ritual was thus performed so that the person who died could eat and drink again in the afterlife.

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