Anonymous 01/09/2020 (Thu) 00:07:34 Id: 94ddf9 No.78179 del
>The first two Zeldas used Christian crosses to bait the normies.
>The triforce is the "three sided pyramid FOB"
>The birds are either the phoenix, Masonic eagle, or the Horus hawk/falcon
>MK Ultra butterfly
>Cancer lobster
^I'm speaking about Link's shields here.

link = link your dualities
The three sided pyramid FOB shows the sun and moon on the lower triangles and the eye of God on the top. It symbolizes linking your dualities to ascend.

Goranger's Gold Mask symbolizes Plato's golden minded philosopher kings. He uses a Saturn scythe as his main weapon.

An anon mentioned trains are important to the elite/Freemasons/Illuminati. I've noticed a big train theme in much of the Masonic media. Anyone know what that's about? Train metaphors relate to group projects: getting on track, laying down tracks, etc. There's the train Zelda, a train Sentai(Toq Ranger), and it shows up in many Masonic music videos and shows. Hey Arnold(Football head, baseball cap, Scottish kilt shirt, Harold is black, white, and red with a 33 on his shirt) has a whole episode about the ghost train. Peter Gabriel, Yello, and The KLF have songs about trains and their videos are full of Mason symbolism.

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