Tardus 11/10/2020 (Tue) 18:07:41 Id: a685f5 No.82787 del
Hey that is cool of you, thanks.
To start discussion and allow this decades old ping pong ball to be hit around the room, may I say these youngling dont have the patience to read even moby dick, let alone 'my struggle against the kikes' another fine anon book.
First, I have not read the book, only the kikeapedia synopsis. Second, the sheer screeching level makes it thread worthy, Third, the things fuckin ancient history now, as even this tiny first page, comes true thirty years after raciss day, 1991, was theorized. Fourth, thats kinda why the last white character tommy vercetti aka hawaiian shrt and hi res op graphi , gives me and anyone a chance to meme or riff off that. History of course, matters.