Anonymous 11/10/2020 (Tue) 20:23:56 Id: a685f5 No.82790 del
(79.22 KB 640x480 mydoods1.jpg)
I forget the tag to embed youtube, this is gameplay from vice city: police stories.
I post it for my mod/pc peeps, but also to make the point that even in 2009, the essential subterran evil, or good, that OP alludes to, was right in front of your eyes, if you are a game modder like myself.
Well, I am just a fanboi of those doods, I am to game modding what one grasshopper is to all the fields of Earth.
Anyway this mod, eleven years old, and the OP graphic, you can see where I might go with this.
As to current /horror/ thread alluding to subterranean boat highway, fuck, we could've modded that decades ago, do you get what I am throwing down here? [Embed]