Anonymous 11/10/2020 (Tue) 22:05:13 Id: 3a9e5c No.82794 del
Yeah I remember Vice City. Rosenberg the obvious whining jew falls in with Tommy Vercetti. Then in San Andreas he runs Caligulas under the Leones, Forellis and some other Italian name. In San Andreas and Liberty City, the Leone crime family worked with the mulignan Carl to kill off other Italians. A kike right in the middle of all that bloodshed, agitating sides and luring blacks into criminal shit seems accurate to me. History does matter though. The wave of "Italian mafia" Hollywood movies, books and video games was all meant to take the spotlight off by covering up who the real Kosher Nostra was.
>I am to game modding what one grasshopper is to all the fields of Earth.
Off topic, but I'm curious what other games you've modded.