Anonymous Board owner 12/29/2020 (Tue) 21:12:55 Id: 2b3602 No.83342 del
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Attention: "Is there any validity to this insult about Hitler?" questions: like the bullshit 8chan clone thread a shithead just shilled, also count as insulting Hitler and you will be banned for it
Therein that thread on that clone, as typical for Jim the jew's masonic front, there are numerous kikes insulting Hitler despite the few of wit whom respond with logic. 8chan filled up with jews because there was absolutely no moderation to stop them. The clone site is doing this as well because it's the same Jim shit. You post it here, you get banned. Either gain the ability to see past jewish lies or leave. It's that simple.
Edited last time by AdolfHitler on 12/30/2020 (Wed) 05:32:53.