Anonymous 01/06/2021 (Wed) 10:28:41 Id: c7f60a No.83424 del
>reverse psychology them into being even worse people than they already are?
National Socialists, worse than what? Or where you talking about normies? This isn't clear. You didn't choose who you responded to, so I'm assuming it's the OP.
>I think I'll just promote all of these things without attaching them to something they've all been conditioned into having a knee jerk reaction to.
Promote what the OP said? Let's see.

"helping your fellowman and loving your family and country. Show that there is more meaning to life than just yourself and your personal pleasures. Find ways to become as self-suffienct as possible even in the cities. Form close bonds with your friends, family and neighbors. Form small communities within your area where you and others can help each other, help each other out with simple things, like work around the house."

But never reveal to anyone National Socialism has been notoriously lied about for decades because they'd have a knee-jerk reaction? Revealing the facts jews are trying to cover up is the whole point. Otherwise these idiots will go on believing they're their "greatest allies" right up until they're stabbed in the back and bred out of existence.