Anonymous 01/19/2021 (Tue) 04:36:04 Id: c3363b No.83586 del
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>Freemasonry is okay

It really isn't. I used to live in a city that was full of masons. They ran everything and I mean pratically everything. They were also extremely nepotistic, incompetent and very superstitiously inclined. Always doing, wearing and saying a bunch of weird cult shit. Like kikes

If (((they))) are societal cancer, freemasons are literal syphilis physically rotting the mind and body of a host nation with a bunch of sick and depraved shit they engage in. so basically like kikes but even weirder Look at what they did to the Kingdom of France for fucks sake. All those innocent people killed for literally nothing. What is "okay" about this people? What benefit do they fucking serve society at all? I don't get it

Also, the hire ups in the totem pole are really evil dudes. You don't know the half if it /pol/