Anonymous 01/20/2021 (Wed) 09:44:42 Id: 8fd302 No.83606 del
I didn't mean to imply 'okayness' more like, the lodges are simply each, engines with dirty old men as the pistons pushing a crank, attached to a shaft.
The block of the engine is the finely honed lodge, the crankshaft turns on its main bearings which are constantly oiled, etc.
But, to what axl and road, are these dirty old men, applied?
I am a huge fan of /horror/ as that bo knows. There we have had for four years, wonderful work in terms of their big guillotine moment. I suggest that, the engines of the lodges, as Adolf knew, are either useful to the people, or else, Samsons will come to them. Yes in many ways, Adolf is analgous to Samson, in this light. The light of a house harming the people, into which a man is invited.