Anonymous 06/06/2021 (Sun) 22:41:37 Id: 5e33c6 No.84794 del
So, I have been hesitant to post something I worked on a short while ago, primarily due to the depth of the subject and what it evoked within the piece. I fear my emotion may of invaded the writing heavily and that it's influence may be evident throughout. None the less I offer it in it's raw form, consider it a draft perhaps. I hope it at least serves it's purpose to guide as was it's intended goal.

Unfortunately it is not the preparation and future planning for ourselves and our families topic that was promised. After several drafts and a number of notable issues by the end of it it was little more than a checklist of potential do's and don't and not a particularly good one at that. It is likely others wiser than I in the topic would offer far superior advice thusly it has been sidelined.