Anonymous 11/29/2021 (Mon) 11:05:38 Id: 11862e No.85995 del
There is no "our guy" among any of them as it is so colliquely termed. There is no real Will nor resistance for those within this sphere are utilising a framework that is antithetical to their very existence were they to be sincere. They serve but one goal; to lead any who would resist back into subservience to a system that would see them dead. I do believe some of those who have emerged within the last few decades may of emerged organically alongside the manufactured counterparts but by the end both the organic and manufactured groups are essentially the same with only minor differences, all still existing to serve the existing power structure regardless if that was the design from the outset. You cannot subvert the subverter. You can only face it openly, this is the rule so many seem to miss within modern movements.

A while ago I shared a dream with you. A dream of a world where our people no longer live in fear, no longer exist in what is essentially open air prison camps with the semites imported golems serving as guards and the disgusting creatures themselves as degenerate judges and administrators of us and their pets. A dream where our lands, the homelands and the colonies, live not merely in peace but as grand bastions of our peoples. So long have we been downtrodden that we have forgotten the wonders we forged, the beauty we can create when free of weak greedy leaders and corrupted uncontrolled capitalism. Where the state and the people act as one in each others interests, where our children's futures are safe and secure. I do not care what happens to those not of our ilk for their fate is their own, it is not our peoples duty to guide nor engage them. I wish them no harm but among us they are not welcome and should they threaten us then they would be dealt with as fitting for the aggression. All I wish is for peace in our children's time and a future we choose ourselves. This dream is not the dream of a great Man. It is not even a dream that is unique for Men in ages past have had this ideal. It is a dream I, a faceless brother on a distant shore, wish for us all to share. A dream of something better. So I ask, why is those who seek power, who place themselves as "leaders" never share such a thing? Why is it the talking heads will at first openly talk about jewish power, will openly invoke truths known to those like us yet never offer a vision of a better tomorrow? I say this to you, the "groyper", to you the "proud boy", to you the follower of talking heads, why do they never offer you a tomorrow? Is it because they do not know a path there? Or is it to ensnare your interest to then lead you down a path of hollow resistance. I myself do not know the full path towards this dream, at least not directly. But I feel it in my blood. I feel it in my soul, in my spirit that this dream will be made manifest. The path to it will be bloody, it will be terrifying as the semites claws dig further and further into the flesh of our nations. It will come at a cost none of us can foresee. But that tomorrow, that dream will be made true but only if each of us are sincere in that goal, in our duty to our people. No hiding it behind cynicism or comedy, we must accept it whole for what it is; the preservation and the propagation of our people. Anything less will lead to nothing at all, a life lived poorly in service to nothing beyond the mundane. All they offer is but a path to stagnation and oblivion. Any Man of worth would offer a future worth fighting for, worth dying for.