Anonymous 01/28/2022 (Fri) 03:16:25 Id: 536993 No.86324 del
So the article concerning internet security is coming along fairly well, i've removed a fair chunk of it concerning the technical details as such a thing is of little concern to most, i've instead opted to include links discussing issues for the more technically minded. While it won't be January it will be early February assuming there's no drastic change in the general landscape. Instead tonight is a short off the cuff piece, one I felt needed as we are indeed in a new year now and as with the depths of winter some souls need soothing or reminding for what our duty demands of us. Therefore I present the following, written while slightly inebriated I must admit but from the heart none the less. Let us hope the next time I come to the thread I do not shy away in embarrassment.

I would also like to sincerely thank whomever stickied this thread, I am humbled that such work is considered significant enough to be worth such a thing, especially considering the other threads concerning National Socialist policy and the dispelling of jewish dogma. I hope my efforts remain worth of such kindness.