Anonymous 05/07/2022 (Sat) 19:07:21 Id: 8c8a41 No.87315 del
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>any page of the black book of communism should put an end to a commies argument
You can try to argue with them but you wont sucseed in matters of showing them what that plague is, that goes from someone who is from post communist nation where we gave them rehabilitation instead of bullets. Despite of what these jewish monsters made here from destruction of our rural areas mass industrialization, chemical poisoning and pollution and dumbing down the population into trotskys white negroes. for them it goes in sort of circular coping like this
>Creates communism
>Mass purges degenerating of populus with dumbing them down etc
>Causes a complete destruction of nation by its policies of central bank, flexible crippling tsxes, no ownership, women in workforce etc.
>It wasnt a real communism because it wasnt workers paradise
>Rise and repeat