Anonymous 05/09/2022 (Mon) 20:55:10 Id: db20fd No.87362 del
Translation is here because its easier than i tought
>HISTORICAL TELEGRAM OF ADOLF HITLER TO THE PRESIDENT (wierd synonymum predseda means also leader or president dont judge us) OF SLOVAK GOVERMENT DR. JOSEF TISO
Mr state president!
Near the end of Polish war i feel the necessity to thank, mr state president, you, slovak defence powers and slovak nation for valourous stance (again lost in translation synonymum because slovak is hellish language stance is word stanovisko but also a word postoj) and for verified brotherood in arms. Be ensured, that german nation and its goverment this opinion ranks fully and with its proven thinking in full swing will compensate (opätovať is also compensate appreciate is in slovak ceniť like valuing)

Hope it helped somehow since translators dont count with our chaos in synonyms, weight of synonyms and grammar