Anonymous 02/23/2023 (Thu) 04:53 Id: a3dd2c No.89873 del
(497.94 KB 1600x1054 Byzantine.jpg)
>Sorry to hear that anon. Hope you can recover from the grief and loss.

You could maybe try reading the "Myth of Er" to get some closure with your loved ones anon.

>Myth of Er
>In the dialogue Plato introduces the story by having Socrates explain to Glaucon that the soul must be immortal, and cannot be destroyed.

>Although called the Myth of Er, the word "myth" here means "word, speech, account", rather than the modern meaning. The word is used at the end when Socrates explains that because Er did not drink the waters of Lethe, the account (mythos in Greek) was preserved for us.

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