Anonymous 03/22/2023 (Wed) 03:57 Id: 3808e7 No.90061 del
You've been asked before what you meant by pleasure and didn't answer that anon, so again: What pleasure do you mean? Many situations can be found pleasurable that aren't degenerate. The "I'm better than you thing"? Yeah, that's the ego selfish psychological mind control since (((Freud))). You should not behave as the modern concept of "you". Instead, think of yourself as your people. That too (((they))) claim as racist while they'll immediately turn around and believe the same thing about their own. Placing a priority on your people doesn't mean you have to hate every other race but yours. Only the singular race that spreads the propaganda causing other races to hate yours. Ours. Everybody but (((them))). Racial infighting is only a distraction from them.