Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 04:07 Id: f271a0 No.90767 del
Why do you need jams and a false front then? Just sell NFTs. They're not exactly easy to make, but far simpler than actually drawing art yourself. You can make complex NFTs with Stable Diffusion set up on your own PC. If you're not trying nude art, use 2.0. If you are, use 1.5. After installing Stable Diffusion, you need a VAE (vae-ft-mse-8400000-emaprunted.ckpt) and a checkpoint from civitai. This is all free. Sell AI NFTs to fools with money after setting up a cryptocurrency wallet and registering on some NFT site. I've thought of doing this myself, but need an investment of money already for most sites. So that part is complicated.