Anonymous 09/25/2023 (Mon) 13:25 Id: 4dcccf No.91136 del
Continuing off from my previous post, I come to you with a humble request for help and guidance in a time where I feel I have somewhat lost the way.

At university, things are becoming more difficult, mostly from bureaucracy and having to deal with physical issues causing me to be generally slow and from ADHD that go diagnosed in adulthood only.

Applying /sig/ principles, reading Neitzsche, and generally trying to aspire to what is higher and more noble have helped me a lot this past semester.
Though I do note that whenever I do visit my family and parents, keeping that pace and resisting that which pushes me downward instead of upwards becomes too hard.
It could be because it is an environment where I feel safer (and thus I would be less alert), or also because most of my family is of an artistic/poetic rather than analytic and empirical background - and hence their paths in life differed from the one that I'm treading.

I hope some of you can provide relevant advice in this, and I thank you all for the great advice thus provided.