Anonymous 10/22/2023 (Sun) 22:47 Id: 0198b3 No.91363 del
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> Black propaganda
Correct. Pretty much the whole point is for political power, if you think you'll be at the top when the powers realign.

> National socialism
The only redpills I know are what my family told me; I'm 5th generation after my Germanic ascendants escaped post-WW2 Germany: mostly war stories, Hitler's Germany, and muh-20 million (before 6-million, jews reported many more, with 8 million in one region alone).

> Native Americans all willingly gave up their old sacred gods and came to Catholicism peaceably
For the most part. There were tribes that were into cannibalism and human sacrifices, so for them it might have been a bit forced, but MOST simply converted because it was better than what was before (cannibalism, human sacrifices, etc).

HOWEVER, certain main events were powerful in the peaceful mass conversion of tens of millions of Native Americans into Catholicism. One good example is the Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe, which made +10 million Native Americans convert.