Anonymous 11/15/2023 (Wed) 21:24 Id: 3808e7 No.91644 del
In gradeschool, I stammered over public presentations and fucking idiot teachers thought I couldn't read. Public speaking intimidation was the problem. Hone your voice. Vocal chords are as an advanced musical instrument that can imitate many sounds. Of course test with a program like Audacity, because your ears aren't going to hear what you sound like to other people. It's weird that way. I have honed a deep voice over decades by attempting to imitate deep voiced speakers and singers. When I speak, people shut up and listen. I don't have to tell them to.

As for how they think and feel, they're only going to open up if they either have diarrhea of the mouth (can't control thoughts to speech) or if you get to know them personally over time.