Anonymous Board owner 12/26/2023 (Tue) 08:11 Id: 1837e7 No.92025 del
After the banning and deletion of yet another saying the same old phrase the 2017 nigger spammer repeated: 'Christcuck'. Imagine saying this on Christmas of all days. I'm going to have to make one thing clear. This board isn't specifically Christian. You don't have to be when you come here.

I prefer Odinn and the religion of the Aesir. It's stronger. It's not cucked to kikes like many modern Christian churches. However, what you all must do is not act like a fucking jew. Hitler was clearly Christian. That has been proven here beyond a shadow of a doubt. Come to this board because you have an intense hatred of kikes with a passionate belief that they're parasitic cockroaches who need to be removed from our ways of life. That is the end of it. Pulling divide tactics swiftly results in bans.

Judaism is the religion of the tribe. This you must hate