Anonymous 01/10/2024 (Wed) 17:19 Id: d44c5a No.92188 del
(823.67 KB 618x800 1699264733876.png)
>That photo of W SS sergant on left doen corner
Someone failed in their dress code as NCOs had no permission to carry breeches
And that next to wilder is as ludicrous as interests on central banks loans as i dont need to point out in that pic that for some reason
>Music corps
>Lacking any undershirts to tunics
>Flak personell
>Armed civilians in background?
Screams that again someone failed in his uniform dress code knowledge but i dont want now to ruin my nerves even when i dont have to deal with such bullshit outside of this imageboard i have to see daily by various nazbol zigger boomers or quasi historians
>It's sad when the jews have one job - lying. But they can't even do that well
But to be honest it feels good to be right again they will use it for yet another attempt to destroy reality