Anonymous 02/01/2024 (Thu) 11:11 Id: d114ae No.92411 del
(17.24 KB 716x491 Nighttime.jpg)
>My Catholic private school was very forced. Strict dress code, strict practices.
Sorry to hear that. The Bible never called for strict dress codes (except for dressing modestly I guess).
>Yes. Catholic and then Lutheran. You probably saw also that I propose Odinism. I don't believe it's different though many Christians freak out about "other" religions thinking "Pagans" are "heathen demons"
>"Pagans" are "heathen demons"
Did they really teach that in both Catholic and Lutheran school? Wtf?
God calls us to love everybody, not demonize them, something very wrong with those teachers...
And yes, funny enough there actually were non-Christians and non-Israelites who recognized God as the supreme God (or at least a god), I think the Zoroastrians and Canaanites (and some Native-Americans and the Chinese, believe it or not) may have been some of the first post-flood civilizations to worship God, the Canaanites going as far as calling God "Yahweh", apparently.