Anonymous 04/09/2024 (Tue) 02:43 Id: 54ba2d No.93200 del
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Thanks for the suggestion, I'll probably stick it here for now. I honestly just need a place to post my discovery of random scientific errors, which draws enough attention periodically to get me banned when the mods start sweating from the Cease and Desists

My current shattering and obvious revelation involves dandruff. I mentioned previously on 7ch I thought dandruff was not dead skin but an excretion of contaminants, mainly silicon, as anyone who has had a wound with dead skin knows it behaves differently than the flaky, dry dandruff, which has also never been mentioned in ancient literature and is thus a modern issue likely brought about by modern error. I have further evidence in that my fucking comb has been accumulating the shit out of thin air, enough that it looks like a mold growing on it at times. I cleaned it recently to observe the collection of the material and my suspicions were confirmed--this did not come from off my head but was attracted to the brush (which I wash with fresh water) because of either the hair or the already present material. Maybe. Nigger.

My hair has dandruff sure... Not this much, shed hairs almost none...