Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 17:22 Id: e5e86d No.93276 del

Russia’s Defense Ministry on Monday laid out more evidence that US-funded laboratories were working in Ukraine. Documents and materials recovered by Russian troops showed that Jewish pharmaceutical companies operating in territory under Kiev’s control conducted HIV/AIDS experiments on Ukrainian military personnel.

The commander of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defense Forces, Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, presented Ukrainian-language documents referring to HIV infection studies that began in 2019. The list of targeted groups shows service members alongside prisoners, drug addicts and other “patients at high risk of infection.”

According to Kirillov, the Russian military has recovered more than 20,000 documents and other materials related to the biological programs in Ukraine, while interviewing eyewitnesses and participants. The evidence “confirms the focus of the Pentagon on creating biological weapons components and testing them on the population of Ukraine and other states along [Russia’s] borders,” the general told reporters.

In October 2022, Russia filed an official complaint over alleged US-backed biological activities in Ukraine and requested a UN probe into the matter. The UN Security Council rejected Moscow’s proposal after the US, UK, and France voted against it.

This Project Veritas video exposes a Pfizer affiliate discussing the creation of new COVID-19 viruses at Pfizer.

Here is the rough beast in the flesh, slouching towards Israel to be born. Devoid of empathy. Avarice its purpose. It’s face glowing with joy, oblivious to the profound human tragedy it enables, reveling in the damage wrought to the web of humanity and the structure of a nation. Oblivious to the horror embodied in its words, in the very fabric of its language. Possessed by a deep belief in its own entitlement. Oozing dizzy narcissism. Celebrating corruption. Completely devoid of wisdom, introspection or self-awareness of the fundamental perversion of its soul.

A senior emissary from a Jewish corporation which chronically preys and feeds on human suffering. A Jewish corporation which shrugs off massive fines for illegal activities as just another inconvenience, a mere business expense.

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