Anonymous 04/11/2024 (Thu) 20:30 Id: a13405 No.93323 del
The Swedish government allowed bad people inside of Sweden - one of them murdered Ebba Åkerlund and others in Stockholm in 2017.

If the Swedish government allows US military forces inside of Sweden, it is very likely that US military forces will murder Swedes.

Further, US military forces inside of Sweden will treat Sweden like a toxic landfill and poison the Swedish environment and Swedish people - the same way the US military poisons Americans and others that live near US military bases.

Overseas bases can indeed reassure allies, but in some cases, this strategy may work too well and risks making allies complacent in their own defense postures, content to free-ride off the United States’ largesse with little incentive to spend more on their own capabilities.

A U.S. military presence can stoke resentment among local populations and their leaders, alienating the allies that bases were intended to reassure. Labor violations, criminal conduct by U.S. soldiers, and violations of sovereignty that occur at or near U.S. military bases can jeopardize delicate diplomatic relationships and fuel anti-U.S. movements among locals.

Osama bin Laden famously cited the presence of U.S. troops on foreign soil as one motivation for the 9/11 attacks. In November 2002, he wrote, “Your forces occupy our countries; you spread your military bases throughout them.”

Members of the 24th Infantry were guilty of the racially-motivated murder of 15 white Houstonians, seven of whom were civilians. The US troops were not trying to quell a race riot; they were the race riot.

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