Anonymous 04/26/2024 (Fri) 07:31 Id: 06dd44 No.93478 del
(5.34 MB 1920x1080 Jim the jew.webm)
(58.71 KB 936x533 Elle Reeve kike.jpg)
(504.64 KB 1596x975 goldwater (2).jpg)
(637.53 KB 1126x2004 RPD goldtwatter.jpg)
(173.23 KB 864x993 the Jim buttkissing.jpg)
This bitch RPD infiltrated Endchan as Vol in 2017 when we fled their constant bans for National Socialist content and exposing Trump for the Zionist cuck he has always been. She was ousted by the previous BO Ocelotte for an extreme amount of Trump threads.

Now you see why you don't come to end/pol/ in favor of that fucking shithole.