Anonymous 05/23/2024 (Thu) 17:17 Id: 940e7d No.93781 del
>So long as many persons act with conscience and decision, their community will be full of vitality, and that vitality will further sustain those persons of action.
>What do you need to set a cycle of vitality back into motion? Nothing else but the original action directed towards vitality.

But I guess, in the end it's useless to even talk about this, as who has awareness will know what has to be done and won't need any long talk as explaination, and who lacks awareness won't know and no explaination made of words will gift them the piece of spirit they lack.
At best who lacks awareness can learn from an example, and that's how things are normally carried on between generations, but in the current time there may not be enough time left for that education to take place, those people who need examples will likely realize things only after everything is done, so they'll just be spectators, as much at the people who won't understand even after seeing an example.

The exercise of existence is selfexplanatory in its action.